Award-winning writer
Author of historical memoir, VACCINES & BAYONETS: Fighting Smallpox in Africa amid Tribalism, Terror and the Cold War
Here in this website you can glimpse the humor and horror of a true story that few have ever heard. And you may discover that VACCINES & BAYONETS reverberates in today’s news. READ EXCERPTS. READ MY ARTICLES.
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Bee presents several different talks related to her complex first-person history:
VACCINES & BAYONETS: Fighting Smallpox in Africa amid Tribalism, Terror and the Cold War, Bee Bloeser’s historical memoir.
- Sending Smallpox into History: Behind the Scenes with One Public Health Family— Highs and lows behind the scenes of the most astounding campaign in public health history—eradicating a dreaded disease. For the first, and so far the only, time in history. What does it mean for us?
Join me as we move to Nigeria, toddler and preschooler in tow. Thrill to being a part of public health history and drink in the sights and sounds of Africa. Come then to Equatorial Guinea as it suffers in the vise of a murderous dictator. My husband is on the front lines of human vs. microbe. One of only two American women in the country, I’m isolated in an isolated country, a frontline of a different sort.
(This talk is available as a 25-40 minute overview or as an in-depth program or lecture series customized for your particular group.)
- Women Hidden behind Walls—Join me as we visit women denied even a primary education—women isolated by literal walls or the “wall” imposed by the many hours spent walking to collect water. Then we’ll glimpse hope for the future in girls who’ve escaped their walls and experienced victories.
- From Ramses V to the final case—The disease through the ages and the eradication campaign in depth.
Bee is an engaging knowledgeable speaker who supplements her presentations with photographs and personal experiences that will move you deeply while educating you about the incredible journey that led to the eradication of Small pox. I highly recommend her to your group. — Linda Herzog, J.D.
CONTACT BEE to book a presentation for your group, or just to connect.